lunes, 25 de abril de 2016

La FDA amplia el plazo de exposición publica de documentos referentes al mosquito OX513A

El Centro de Medicina Veterinaria (CMV) de la FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) de USA somete a público conocimiento desarrollos de interés para la población. Entre dichos asuntos se ha publicitado lo referente al mosquito OX513A  de Oxitec Ltd.

Los mosquitos:

OX513A mosquitoes have been genetically engineered to encode a conditional or repressible lethality trait, which is a function of the overexpression of the tetracycline-repressible transactivator (tTAV) protein, and a red fluorescent marker protein. When tetracycline is not present (i.e., upon release of OX513A mosquitoes to the environment as in the proposed investigational field trial), tTAV causes lethality in the progeny of matings between OX513A males and wild-type females. The fluorescent marker can be used to identify the GE mosquitoes as larvae and pupae in the laboratory.

Se va a diseminar, en una determinada zona de Los Cayos de Florida, machos de Ae Aegypti estériles   "modificados genéticamente" para que copulen con las hembras salvajes de Ae Aegypti y generen descendencia no viable y con ello disminuir el número de población de mosquito en la siguiente generación.

El día 7 de abril se decidió prorrogar la exposición publica de la información hasta el día 13 de mayo de 2016 para que quien esté interesado pueda preguntar en relación con el uso del mosquito.

 April 7, 2016
Comment Period on draft EA and preliminary FONSI for Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes Extended Until May 13, 2016
In direct response to requests from the public, the FDA has extended the comment period for the draft Environmental Assessment and preliminary Finding of No Significant Impact concerning investigational use of Oxitec OX513A mosquitoes. The comment period will now end on May 13, 2016. This extension of the comment period is intended to allow the public greater time to read and consider the EA and FONSI so that they may submit informed comments to the FDA. The FDA will thoroughly review all public comments and information submitted before determining its next steps.

Veremos cual es el siguiente paso de la FDA

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