lunes, 21 de marzo de 2016

Simulación de la presencia estacional y abundancia de Aedes Aegypti en USA continental

En el artículo On the Seasonal Occurrence and Abundance of the Zika Virus Vector Mosquito Aedes Aegypti in the Contiguous United States  de Monaghan et al, publicado en PLOS Currents Outbreaks. 2016 Mar 16 . Edition 1., se ha llevado a cabo una simulación de la posible diseminación del Ae Aegypti en cincuenta ciudades de los estados continentales de Estados Unidos, considerando variables meteorológicas, de transito de viajeros desde zonas con mosquito y de pobreza, mediante dos modelos para mejorar la fiabilidad de la predicción.

En las figuras presentan las variables consideradas (Figura 1) y los resultados por meses (Figura 2)

Simulated potential abundance of Ae. aegypti adults is zero or near-zero throughout the U.S. in January except in southern Florida and Texas (Fig. 1). By mid-July, all fifty cities are meteorologically suitable for Ae. aegypti, with far southeastern cities being suitable for high abundance, and other eastern cities being suitable for moderate-to-high abundance. Cities in the western U.S. are suitable for low-to-moderate abundance of Ae. aegypti. Some cities that are suitable in mid-summer are not within the present known range for Ae. aegypti (e.g., Denver, Albuquerque, Louisville). As the season progresses from winter to summer Ae. aegypti potential abundance begins to increase in April in the southeastern U.S. and some cities in Arizona (Fig. 2). By June nearly all cities exhibit the potential for at least low-to-moderate abundance, and most eastern cities are suitable for moderate-to-high abundance. Conditions are most suitable in July, August and September during the warmest (and in many cities wettest) time of year. Conditions in the southern and western states remain suitable through November, and by December are largely unsuitable again, except for southern Florida and Texas

En el artículo se habla de las limitaciones del estudio (datos de viajeros, introducción de huevos todos los meses, datos de tratamientos larvicidas)

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